DUI -DWI Evaluations
State Certified Evaluations listed with DMV
Evaluations only.
No state required treatment.
Depression, Anxiety and Anger
They come in all sizes and all types. We all have them. It is the discomfort or the unease with us, with others or with situations. It is when we feel held back or unfulfilled or unhappy. It is when we wish life were different. It is when our coping skills are no longer enough or have become outdated or inappropriate.
Big problems need immediate attention and help is often found through counseling/therapy. Small problems can add up over time or chip away at what once was manageable and our life situations may improve with time out with a therapist to breathe and reevaluate. Bright Path may offer you time to gather new coping skills or sharpen old ones. It may offer you time to explore more choices and possibilities with a trained therapist in an atmosphere of confidentiality, professionalism and warmth.